AG 2015
Quelles orientations éthiques pour les universités catholiques européennes en contexte de pluralisme anthropologique ?
Intervention de Prof. Msgr. Philippe Bordeyne, Recteur de l’Institut Catholique de Paris
Ethics and business
Témoignage de Donal Lawlor
Ethics and Economy
Rapport de l’atelier sur "éthique et économie", W. Zuziak
Participants de l’AG 2015
Photo du groupe

Pensar la enseñanza y la investigación sobre ética en las universidades católicas europeas
Intervention de A. Galindo Garcia, recteur de l’Université Pontificale de Salamanque
Vocation of the Business Leader

PONTIFICAL COUNCILFOR JUSTICE AND PEACE From the 24th to 26th of February 2011 a seminar entitled “Caritas in Veritate : The Logic of Gift and the Meaning of Business” was held at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Business leaders are called to engage the contemporary economic and financial world in light of the principles of human dignity and the common good. This reflection offers business leaders, members of their institutions, and various stakeholders a set of practical principles that can guide them in their service of the common good.
Ethics and media
Workshop of Friday 22